Giving back through charity is a core component of the Culture Map philosophy.
At Culture Map, giving back through charity is a core component of our philosophy.
This dedication is based on a personal commitment by Culture Map’s founder, John Le, to use his privileged position to make a real difference to the lives of the less fortunate. John is a fervent believer in giving back where he can, after coming to Australia many years ago to escape the Vietnam War, and being given an opportunity himself for a better life.
When it comes to charitable giving, John is particularly impassioned about raising awareness around the impact of depression, anxiety and suicide in Australia. This began when a personal friend and mentor committed suicide many years ago, and no one close to him had even realised he was in pain. It’s a silent struggle that millions of Australians are facing at any given time, according to Australia’s national initiative to raise awareness of anxiety and depression, beyondblue.
This passion is why Culture Map is proud to commit 5 per cent of its gross profits to beyondblue, and why its goal is to raise an additional $50,000 during our various 2016-2017 charity initiatives. For more information on how you can get involved, please see our upcoming list of charitable events.
Culture Blue Day featuring
Vivid Light 2016
Friday, 27 May 2016
At Culture Map, giving back through charity is a core component of our philosophy. This is why we are proud to invite you to Culture Blue Day (CBD), an event we will be running in partnership with leading non-profit...
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